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Welcome to bhntr
[  pronouced: /bē ˈhən(t)ər/  ]

I thought I was being clever and creative when I chose my URL. In hindsight, I find that vowels are critical to communication.

I am a graphic designer; using my skills and talents to help nonprofit organizations tell their story, grow their bases of support
(their advocates, volunteers and donors) and multiply their impact on the populations they serve. I serve the service providers.

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Publication Design

I enjoy wrestling large amounts of text and piles of images. Let me put together a brochure or program for your next milestone.

Graphic Design

I am here to help you articulate your message and mission. Let me help you extend your reach through visual communication.


I am happy to adjust your kerning, tracking, leading and ligatures.
I know dashes, n- and m-spaces; and I know how to use 'em.

Web Development

My nerd runs deep. I speak HTML, CSS and JQuery. Let me help you update your existing site, or work with you to build something new.


Communication often benefits from pretty pictures. I have the tools and chops to compose, capture, edit and share your best side(s).


Mountains of data make for a boring read. Infographics are more efficient and entertaining when it comes to delivering massive data.

Explore this selection of projects from my body of work. Through it, you will gain insight into what makes me tick as a designer.
Please understand the gap in work represented here (2018-2020) is due to a non-disclosure agreement with a former employer.

THANK YOU for taking time to explore my work samples.

Did you see something that moved you? Please tell me all about it. My contact information is provided, here.

Or, you are invited to reach out to me through the contact form below.

Minneapolis, MN 55413
+1 773-503-7917
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While I choose to focus my support on organizations that advocate and empower for greater social good, I also choose to support businesses that advocate for positive change. I am interested in meeting and collaborating with individuals and organizations that work to support a cause.

Let’s collaborate.